Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Song in my Head

This is going to be short, because I'm in the library working on my group project, but I needed to get a post out to my fellow followers. I know, you're very welcome.

Okay, so you know how you connect songs, or people, or even phrases to a particular memory or something else? And then you get this chain of memories which means something special to you. I'm being vague, but I know you know what I mean.

I have the song "You were always on my mind" in my head and whenever I hear it I think of Practical Magic. Then that movie reminds me of how badly I wanted to be a witch when I was little. Which then reminds me of Hocus Pocus. Then that movie reminds me of my cat Pookie :( RIP little guy!! He died about seven or eight years ago, but he was the only pet I ever had.

I could go on and do a pseudo six degrees of Kevin Bacon sort of thing, but I won't.

So there it pathetic little post.


  1. I LOVED Hocus Pocus. I like anything with witches, really. And anything with SJP. That movie started my obsession with her. Or maybe it was Footloose? Or Girls Just Wanna Have Fun? But I loved her in Hocus Pocus :-)

  2. I'm like that to.. I always think of that movie when I hear that "lime in the coconut song". Midnight margaritas!

  3. I'm like that myself. I'll get to thinking about one thing and it'll tangent off a million times until I can't remember what I started out thinking about.

  4. I love both Practical Magic and Hocus Pocus, two of my all time favourite movies ! This posts reminds me of a show we have in England called "Only Connect" on BBC4 - the contestants have to take one piece of information and then make various, weird connections to another piece of info...I know sounds bizarre, it is :D

  5. hahahaha YES wanting to be a witch was "so cool" when I really young! Isn't that funny how things work out...

  6. I LOVED hocus pocus when I was little! Well, who am I kidding? I still do love it :)

  7. Wow. I'm gonna write on something similar later on... I'll pour one out for Pookie and Barkley(my lab).

  8. Every single song for me paints a picture of someone's face or takes me back to a time and place and feeling. Every single one.

    On another note, I LOVE Practical Magic. I used to watch it allll summer at my grannie's cottage when I was 12. The song that always gets stuck in my head from that one is the lime in the coconut song. So good.

  9. I love both of those movies-(as you know:) My mind wanders from one thing to the next--I will be talking about something and then suddenly a comment unrelated comes out! Dad, gives me a look and usually says, "Where in the world did that come from?" Then I go thru the chain of thoughts that led to that--usually pretty random!!!

  10. Funny coincidence Kinsey, I was watching Practical Magic just tonight before I read your post.

  11. I love Practical Magic! OMG Sandra and Nicole were still quite young there :D

  12. I've never watched Practical Magic, so when I read this post, I downloaded it right away! And coming back to this blog reminded me that I have to watch it today. LOL. Thanks. :)

  13. I love Practical Magic, everytie it comes on I watch it. And I love the Midnight Margaritas, my friends and I do them all the time.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate
