You know that country song called "I Wanna Do It All" by Terri Clark? Yes? No? Well, I'm not going to copy and paste the lyrics here, you can look it up if you're not familiar with it.
As I was driving to my nephew's 5th birthday party yesterday, this song came on my iPod and I jammed out to it - because every respectable girl who loves country music would.
Some people do bucket lists, and some people do 101 in 1001...and I thought it was "laugh out loud in laugh out-out loud" before I realized the "l" was actually the number 1. I'm a little slow.
I'm doing neither. Maybe I'll post my bucket list when I have a good number of things I want to accomplish, like jump from one rooftop to another rooftop before I die. That's one thing I definitely want to do!!!
Instead, I'm doing the Terri Clark's "I Wanna Do It All" list. Here it goes...
Visit Paris in the fall - darn, haven't done this one yet.
Watch the Yankees play ball - heck yes I have! Twice!!! One time at Yankee Stadium and the other at the Metrodome. Yankee Stadium was WAY cooler.
Catch a few beads down at Mardi Gras - nope, but does Brother's Bar beads count?? (for the record, I didn't
earn the beads)
Start a tradition - yes! My sister and I started a song and dance tradition on Christmas Eve. Our first performance was the song "Sisters" from
White Christmas. Other performances include
Mean Girls (sexed down) "Jingle Bell Rock,"
Laverne and Shirley's "Walking in a Winter Wonderland,"
Facts of Life "We Need a little Christmas," and so on and so forth.
Lay down the law - A number of times. I think anyone who has babysat before has laid down the law.
I want to drink Tequila down in Tijuana - unfortunately not. But I love Tequila!
Say why not when somebody says "hey do you wanna?" - Yes. Then I got a two day out of school suspension. If only Gary's foot hadn't gone through the ceiling, but that's another story.
I wanna get my heart broke once or twice - not by boyfriends, but I cried through the entire movie of
My Sister's Keeper. I will not watch that movie again.
Settle down with the love of my life - someday.
Rock little babies to sleep at night - plenty of times. Again, I've babysat a lot. After I lay down the law, I have to put them to bed.
See Niagara Falls - nope.
Fight city hall - Like Batman? Wait, he works with Commissioner bad.
Feel good in my skin - as opposed to feeling good in other people's skin???? I'm from Wisconsin, I know all about Leatherface.
Beating the odds with my back to the wall - A couple Easter's ago I beat my older brother in a game of HORSE. Boo ya, Blake!
Try to rob Peter without paying Paul - The Apostles? Or did Terri Clark run out of syllable use for Mary?
I wanna do it all - almost.
There you have it. Oh, and on the way back from my nephew's party, I jammed out to some Hall & Oates. I'll let you know when you make my dreams come true ooh ooh ooh ooh oooohooo.